Georgia Gkioxari

I am an assistant professor of Computing + Mathematical Sciences at Caltech and a Hurt Scholar. I also spend time with the FAIR Perception team at Meta AI. From 2016 to 2022, I was a research scientist at Meta's FAIR team. I received my PhD from UC Berkeley, where I was advised by Jitendra Malik. I did my bachelors in ECE at NTUA in Athens, Greece, where I worked with Petros Maragos.

I am the recipient of the PAMI Young Researcher Award (2021), a Google Faculty Award (2024), the Okawa Research Award (2024) and the Amazon Research Award (2024). My teammates and I received the PAMI Mark Everingham Award (2021) for the Detectron Library Suite. I was named one of 30 influential women advancing AI in 2019 by ReWork and was nominated for the Women in AI Awards in 2020 by VentureBeat. Read more about me and my work in this Q&A.

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New Capabilities in Vision and Learning

The goal of my work is to design advanced visual perception models that extend the boundaries of current visual capabilities. My research explores new spatial tasks and novel visual representations that transform images into 2D and 3D outputs. Hover over each topic to learn more about our work. For a full list of publications, visit my Google Scholar.

Background Image
2D Perception


Glab Members

Ilona Demler
Ziqi Ma
Damiano Marsili
Aadarsh Sahoo
Sabera Talukder
Raphi Kang

Teaching at Caltech


EE/CS 148 - Spring 2023: Large Language and Vision Models

EE/CS 148 - Spring 2024: Large Language and Vision Models


CS 101 - Winter 2024: Learning & 3D

Caltech students (undergrads and grads): If you are at Caltech and wish to work with me, please read the information in this doc.

Prospective postdocs: If you are interested in a postdoc position and want to conduct research in computer vision, 3D understanding and visual perception, please contact me directly with your CV and a short research statement.

Prospective PhD students: I am looking for Ph.D. students to join my group. If you are interested in my group, please apply directly to the CMS department and mention my name in your statement of purpose. There is no need to email me.

Stolen from Jon Barron